Sunday, June 23, 2013

Magnesium helps to relief stress

Follow my blog with BloglovinMagnesium helps to relief stress. Magnesium is a mineral where we need a lot off and get too little of. The foods that are grown today contain far less Magnesium then they used to and our stressful lives increase the loss of Magnesium from our bodies. So nowadays lots of people are deficient of this mineral.

Well what are the symptoms of deficiency?

  • Cramped muscles
  • Tension
  • Nervousness
  • Headache / migraine
  • Depression
  • Stiffened, hardened and cramped muscles
  • Strained nerves
  • Fatigue
  • Menstruation complaints
  • Problems with sleeping
  • Hyperactivity
  • Exhaustion
  • Vibrant eye
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Chilliness
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Dizziness 

What can I do to complement my deficiency fast?

Take regular Epsom salt baths. This a safe and effective way to normalize your Magnesium levels. Take about 4 cups of Epsom salt per bath and do this 2 to 3 times a week until you feel better I know, not everybody has a bathtub anymore. What you can do is make yourself Magnesium oil (it feels oily, but is not an oil) by mixing Epsom salt with a little bit of water and put in a spray bottle. Spray this on the thin parts of your skin e.g. the inside of your arms or legs or your belly.
This is also a perfect way to regenerate from sport. Athletes do this for quick recovery of their muscles.

What food can I eat to improve my Magnesium levels?

  • Nuts, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, brasil nuts, almonds
  • Beans, white beans, black beans, kidney beans, green beens, actually all beans
  • Grains, brown rice, buckwheat
  • Berries and bananas
  • Chocolate (70% or more cacao)
  • Kelp and other seaweeds
  • Molasses 

What can I do to help my body absorb Magnesium? 

  • Eat Fermented dairy like yoghurt or cheese 
  • Foods with protein enhance the absorption of magnesium and calcium 
  • Eating foods high in insoluble fiber, or taking supplemental dietary fiber, is likely to hinder magnesium absorption
  • Foods high in oxalates, such as spinach, leafy greens, nuts, tea, coffee and cacao also reduce magnesium absorption. Cooking reduces oxalic acid, so cooking spinach and other greens is better than eating them raw (in terms of magnesium absorption). Fermentation helps too which is the case with chocolate, coffee and tea. 

When do you have a high risk of magnesium deficiency?

  • Being overweight
  • Daily alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Drinking a lot of coffee
  • Using drugs, contraceptive pill included
  • A stressful life
  • Drinking a lot of soda (because of phosphates)
  • Breastfeeding or pregnant 

The downward spiral of stress

When you suffer from stress and are having a longer period of extreme stress, you have a good chance of having a magnesium deficiency. And as you have read about the symptoms of this deficiency earlier in this article, you will also see that these symptoms can create stress.
So stress causes a magnesium deficiency and a magnesium deficiency causes stress. Bingo! So before you start to manage your stress with biofeedback or other solutions, take care of your magnesium deficiency first.

1 comment:

  1. Very useful post. Thanks for sharing. I will include your tips in my daily health management routine. Stress is very harmful for health. so stress management is very necessary.


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